How to Change your cPanel Password

This article describes how to change your cPanel password. This password enables you to log in to cPanel, MySQL, SSH, and your primary FTP account. You should change the password when you first set up your web site, and then periodically afterwards.

Note: It is very important to protect your password. To ensure the best security for your account, choose strong passwords, and change them frequently.

Changing your cPanel password

To change your cPanel password, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to cPanel.
  2. In the Preferences section of the cPanel home screen, click Change Password.
  3. In the Old Password text box, type your current password.
  4. In the New Password text box, type the new password that you want.
  5. In the New Password (again) text box, retype the new password.

Note: You can click Password Generator and cPanel generates a random, strong password for you.

      6. Select the Allow MySQL password change check box to change your MySQL password as well.

      7. Click Change your password now! The new password takes effect immediately.

  • cpanel, password
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